Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Just chilling

Korean truck driver's moment of sheer brilliance saves another driver's life

There's Always A Bigger Fish

I like skateboarding

Imagine all the possibilities

Owl means business

Steel wool on fire

The smartest way to eat a cupcake

The soap dispensers at my work are not suitable for work

Dog Clear Legs

I'll win, bro

I'm trying to quit cigarettes and my roommate tries to ask me a question before 9am

What Did You Say About My Mother ?

It's bahhhhhhth time for this baby goat

An Olympic Improvement

Clashes... Internet Vs. Reality

Warning: There is a back flip button on cats. Use with caution

Sunday, November 17, 2013

I wish I were this adorable

My friends try to tempt me away from my diet

German Shepherd attack

Who needs a house?

A luchador and his ostriches

Don't drop the soap

No more, human, no more

Korn is having it rough these days

Drunk man gets ejected off road

Kid trying an atomic warhead for the first time

I need


Synchronized Putting

Some say that to this day he is still trying to catch that water

Living in space would make chores a dream


At the supermarket they announce the bakery is having a clearance sale


I know the feeling

I give up

When I hear my girlfriend say she brought home doughnuts

I used to be a cameraman, then I took a bottle in the face

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Skydiver lands in moving convertible

What'd you say to me

Completely Legless Push-Ups (Hyper Planche Push-Ups)

The Moscow Drift

Sun sequence

For the love of god please help me

Kitten kisses

Cow enjoying an automatic brush

When I'm having a good day but then remember something really awkward I once did

Superman thumps a kitten

When my ex said it was mine but the DNA test said nope