Monday, January 6, 2014

You dare

Wingsuit through a 10-foot gap

Why bears don't trust people

When someone I don't really like makes a decent joke

When my buddy asks me to go to Colorado with him tomorrow

When Life Gives You Lemons Give it To Bernese

When I'm working tech support

When I'm drunk and other guys are talking to my girlfriend

When I see a fine booty

When I read a successful weight-loss story

When I made my first cup of coffee in my new coffee brewer

What you gonna do bro

Walk in the club and be like

View from the International Space Station as it orbits Earth

Velma from Scooby-Doo


Third World Construction Techniques

The Wonderpus Octopus

The Sneaky Chomp

The most bro shape to ever bro

The long paw of the law

The formation of the human face, as found through scans of a developing embryo

The acid is kicking in

That's quite impressive

That's just mean

Synchronized Dolphins

Sudden Clarity Anagram

Spoon Soccer

Sorry for this

Somebody is getting laid

Smart Cow

Sleepy dog tries to stay awake

Slapping in Slow motion

Seed pod exploding

Russian theater

Richie wouldn't let his blindness stop him from following his dreams of becoming a graffiti artist

Reporting from Nørrebro, Denmark

Red-hot ice cube by induction heating

Pulling a shot

Pop tart factory loop

Poor Camera Lady

Photobomb Fail

Oval gears


NSA next step

Now's my chance the human is gone

Not sure what I was expecting, but this was definitely not it

Never has toast been so amusing

How Mulan could have ended

A visualisation of an asteroid's path of orbit which nearly collided with the Earth and Moon in 2003